About Imminent

Imminent is a type of malware known for its stealthy infiltration and destructive capabilities. It poses a significant threat to both individual users and organizations, as it can cause extensive damage to infected systems and compromise sensitive information.

How it works?

Imminent typically infects systems through various means, including phishing emails, malicious software downloads, or exploiting vulnerabilities in software or operating systems. Once installed on a victim's computer, it operates silently in the background, executing malicious commands and carrying out its destructive activities.

One of Imminent's primary functions is to destroy or corrupt files and system components, rendering the infected system inoperable. It may also attempt to steal sensitive information, such as login credentials or financial data, before causing irreparable damage.

What is the target?

Imminent targets a wide range of users, including individuals, businesses, and organizations. Its destructive capabilities make it particularly dangerous, as it can cause significant disruptions to operations and lead to financial losses.

Moreover, Imminent may be used in targeted attacks against specific industries or sectors, where cybercriminals aim to cause maximum damage or extract valuable information. Its impact can be devastating, leading to data loss, system downtime, and reputational damage for victims.

Who created it?

The specific individuals or groups behind Imminent remain unknown, as they operate anonymously within underground cybercriminal communities. Imminent may be developed and distributed by skilled hackers with advanced knowledge of malware development and cybersecurity.

Like other types of malware, Imminent may be offered on underground forums and marketplaces as a commodity malware tool, where cybercriminals can purchase or rent access to the malware for their malicious activities. The creators of Imminent likely have various motives, including financial gain, espionage, or sabotage.


The information provided on this website is intended for educational purposes only. It should not be used to create, distribute, or execute any malicious software. We strongly condemn the use of malware for illegal or unethical activities.

Malware samples can cause harm to your computer system and compromise your security. Handle these samples with extreme care and only in isolated environments. Do not execute these samples on any system connected to the internet or any network containing sensitive information.

The maintainer and contributors of this repository, both past, present, and future, are not responsible for any loss of data, system damage, or other consequences resulting from the mishandling of the samples provided herein. Caution is advised when testing any file present in this repository.

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