About Pony

Pony is a type of malware known for its capabilities in stealing sensitive information from compromised systems. First identified in 2011, Pony has been widely used by cybercriminals to harvest credentials, including usernames, passwords, and other authentication data, from infected devices.

How it works?

Pony typically infects systems through various means, including malicious email attachments, drive-by downloads from compromised websites, or exploitation of software vulnerabilities. Once installed on a target system, Pony operates stealthily, often evading detection by security software.

Upon execution, Pony begins its reconnaissance phase, scanning the infected system for sensitive information. It targets a wide range of data, including credentials stored in web browsers, FTP clients, email clients, and other applications. Once collected, the stolen data is often exfiltrated to remote servers controlled by the attackers.

What is the target?

The primary target of Pony malware is the credentials and sensitive information stored on infected systems. It indiscriminately targets a wide range of users, including individuals, businesses, and organizations. Cybercriminals leverage stolen credentials for various malicious purposes, such as unauthorized access to accounts, identity theft, financial fraud, and espionage.

Pony's versatile capabilities make it a significant threat to both personal and corporate cybersecurity. Organizations must implement robust security measures, including regular software updates, endpoint protection, and employee education, to mitigate the risk of Pony infections and data breaches.

Who created it?

The specific individuals or groups responsible for creating Pony remain largely unknown. Like many other types of malware, Pony is believed to be the work of skilled cybercriminals or organized hacking groups operating in various regions around the world.

Attribution of malware creators is often challenging due to the anonymity and decentralized nature of cybercrime. However, cybersecurity researchers and law enforcement agencies continuously monitor Pony-related activities and collaborate to disrupt criminal operations and enhance cybersecurity defenses.


The information provided on this website is intended for educational purposes only. It should not be used to create, distribute, or execute any malicious software. We strongly condemn the use of malware for illegal or unethical activities.

Malware samples can cause harm to your computer system and compromise your security. Handle these samples with extreme care and only in isolated environments. Do not execute these samples on any system connected to the internet or any network containing sensitive information.

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