About StealC

StealC is a type of malware designed to surreptitiously steal sensitive information from infected systems. It operates covertly, often without the user's knowledge, and can compromise the security and privacy of affected devices.

How it works?

StealC typically infiltrates systems through various vectors, including phishing emails, malicious downloads, or software vulnerabilities. Once installed on a victim's system, it may perform a variety of malicious activities, such as keylogging, credential theft, screen capturing, or data exfiltration.

StealC may use sophisticated techniques to evade detection by antivirus software and security measures, including encryption, obfuscation, and anti-analysis methods. It may also establish communication with remote command and control (C&C) servers to receive instructions and transmit stolen data.

What is the target?

StealC targets individuals, businesses, and organizations across various sectors and industries. Its primary objective is to steal sensitive information, including login credentials, financial data, personal information, intellectual property, or any other valuable data that can be exploited for financial gain or other malicious purposes.

StealC may specifically target industries such as finance, healthcare, government, and technology, where the theft of sensitive information can have significant consequences, including financial loss, regulatory penalties, reputation damage, or legal liabilities.

Who created it?

The creators of StealC remain largely unidentified, as malware developers often operate anonymously to avoid detection and legal repercussions. StealC may have been developed by individual hackers, cybercriminal groups, or nation-state actors seeking to exploit vulnerabilities for financial gain, espionage, or other malicious purposes.

Regardless of its origins, StealC underscores the ongoing threat posed by malware to individuals and organizations worldwide, highlighting the importance of implementing robust cybersecurity measures and proactive defense strategies to mitigate the risks.


The information provided on this website is intended for educational purposes only. It should not be used to create, distribute, or execute any malicious software. We strongly condemn the use of malware for illegal or unethical activities.

Malware samples can cause harm to your computer system and compromise your security. Handle these samples with extreme care and only in isolated environments. Do not execute these samples on any system connected to the internet or any network containing sensitive information.

The maintainer and contributors of this repository, both past, present, and future, are not responsible for any loss of data, system damage, or other consequences resulting from the mishandling of the samples provided herein. Caution is advised when testing any file present in this repository.

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