The OSINT Toolkit

This site serves as a comprehensive catalog for tools and websites useful in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) investigations.

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How does it work?


    Whether you're a cybersecurity professional, a journalist, or just curious about information gathering, this toolkit provides resources to aid your endeavors.

  • FAQs

    Along this list of tools you can also check out the Discord Scam FAQ and Steam Scam FAQ to document yourself on how common scams work and how you can avoid falling for them.

  • Read & Share

    If you are already familiar with these scams, you can share those pages with friends to make sure they know the risks and also learn how to protect themselves.


If you know of any valuable tools or websites that are not listed here, please feel free to contribute by submitting a pull request on the github repo for this site by clicking here or on the GitHub button on the header of the site.