1. Triage URL and File Analysis


Triage provides a user-friendly URL and File Analysis Dashboard, empowering users to evaluate the security status of websites.

By submitting a URL or uploading a file, users gain access to detailed information about potential threats.

The dashboard includes historical data, associated risks, and insights that aid in identifying malicious online content.

2. VirusTotal File Scanner


VirusTotal's File Scanner is a robust tool for analyzing the safety of files.

Users can either upload a file or enter a web address for scanning by multiple antivirus engines.

The platform generates a comprehensive report detailing potential malware, viruses, and security issues associated with the provided file or URL, offering valuable insights for security assessments.

3. Hybrid Analysis


Hybrid Analysis is a comprehensive platform designed for analyzing and understanding the behavior of files and URLs.

Users can submit URLs for thorough examination, gaining insights into potential threats, malware behavior, and overall security risks.

The platform combines automated analysis with community-driven contributions to deliver detailed reports, enhancing users' ability to assess the security implications of the submitted URLs.

4. Media Analyzer Pro


Media Analyzer Pro offers advanced analysis tools for various media formats, including images, videos, and documents. Users can analyze media files for potential security threats, such as embedded malware or malicious code.

Users can analyze media files for potential security threats, such as embedded malware or malicious code.

The platform provides detailed insights and reports, enabling users to assess the security implications of media content effectively. With its comprehensive analysis capabilities, Media Analyzer Pro enhances users' ability to identify and mitigate security risks associated with media files.