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Malware Samples

This repository contains various malware and ransomware samples for research and analysis purposes. All RAR files are password-locked with the password "infected". Please ensure you use caution and follow appropriate safety measures when handling these samples.

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OSINT Toolkit

This repository serves as a comprehensive catalog for tools and websites useful in Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) investigations. Whether you're a cybersecurity professional, a journalist, or just curious about information gathering, this toolkit provides resources to aid your endeavors.

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Malicious URLs DB

This repository serves as a curated JSON file containing lists of websites associated with malicious activities. The list is compiled based on personal findings of the repository owner and are intended to help identify and mitigate threats posed by these sites.

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OpenDictionary is a web application that allows users to search for word definitions using the Free Dictionary API. The application features a light/dark theme switcher, phonetic pronunciation, origin, and detailed meanings including synonyms and antonyms.

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Yet Another Weather App

This is my attempt at making a weather app because, you know, the world definitely needs another one of these. This is a simple weather application built out of sheer boredom. It fetches weather data from the Open Meteo API based on user-provided location information and displays it in a minimalistic UI. Nothing groundbreaking here, just another addition to the millions of weather apps out there.

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QuoteHarbor is a simple web application hosted on GitHub Pages that allows users to discover and enjoy inspiring quotes. Users can choose between text and image quotes to suit their preferences.

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Password Generator

This repository contains a simple password generator application implemented in Python using the CustomTkinter library for the graphical user interface as a script or directly in your browser. The application allows users to generate up to random passwords with various customizable options.

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Discord Identity Generator

This project is a Discord profile identity generator hosted on GitHub Pages. It enables users to create random Discord profiles with unique usernames, about me sections, nicknames, pronouns, and profile images with up to 100 quadrillion unique profiles.

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Discord Invite Checker

This repository contains a simple web interface that allows users to input a Discord invite link and retrieve information about the associated server.

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Discord Member Counter

This project provides a simple web interface to display information about a Discord server's member count. Users can input a server invite link, and the interface will show the total members and online members in real-time.

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Uncovered IP Tool

Uncovered is a simple web application designed to perform domain/IP scans. It retrieves information about a provided domain or IP address, utilizing the IP-API service for IP information and the HackerTarget API for various other tasks.

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